

You can add special offer discounts to your units to run for specific periods throughout your seasons. Discounts can be either a flat amount or a percentage reduction of either the accommodation or total cost of the booking. Within the discount, you can stipulate any other terms such as minimum / maximum nights and people required to book in order to activate the discount. If you only want the discount to be available to specific customers, you can also create a special discount code that needs to be input at checkout in order to redeem the special offer.

Creating a discount

To create a discount navigation to Setup > Units > Discounts and press the Add Discount button.

When choosing a discount name, bear in mind this is public and shared with customers, so you should choose something short and to the point, but without obscure references like Half Price Spring Discount. The summary is also public for users and should tell guests more details about the discount. All the conditions which apply to the discount are automatically displayed so there is no need to repeat them here.

Discount Pricing

You can choose to create a percentage discount (a percentage off the cost), or an amount discount (a flat rate off the cost), and choose which style of charge to use. .

  • Discount type – Please click on the dropdown and select what type of discount you want to create. Once have selected either Percentage or Amount, type in the amount in the in the box below.
  • Should this discount be applied per stay or per night? – The discount will apply for either each night of the booking or the entire booking duration depending on which option you select here.
  • Discount Level – Please select whether you would like the deduction to be from the full booking price (including any extras) or just the accommodation price.

Discount Codes

Discount codes are used for discounts. This makes the discount private, and means only customers who know the code can use it. If you leave this field blank, the discount will be applied automatically and the discount will be displayed publicly on the site page.

Discount Restrictions

Discounts can have restrictions applied to control when the discount applies.  All these fields apart from the dates are optional, so if you do not want to impose a minimum / maximum setting on these other conditions, simply leave the fields blank.

  • Which nights can this discount apply? – Select which days you would like this discount to be applied to. The discount can only apply to bookings that take place on the nights selected. If you do not have a preference, simply tick 'Any'.
  • Valid on bookings created between – Bookings must be created between the dates selected here in order for the discount to apply.
  • Valid on booking stays between – Bookings must for stays between these dates selected here in order for the discount to apply.
  • Booking Duration - only bookings which are this long will get this discount
  • Number of People - only bookings with this many people will get this discount
  • Number of Units - only bookings with this many units will get this discount

Discount guidelines

If the discount only applies for a set number of nights or for a specific number of people, the minimum / maximum number fields must be the same. For example, if you want to create a discount that only applies for 2-night stays for up to 2 people, make sure that both the min/max fields for the nights duration and people are set to 2.

We generally do not advise running multiple discounts simultaneously however, if you do, please be aware that the system will pick the one providing the greatest discount. If, for example, you have two discounts running – one for 50% off and the other for £50 off – and a booking with an original price of £300, the 50% off discount would be chosen because it provides a £150 reduction.

If you want to run a discount for an extended period but it does not apply for certain dates within that period (for example, bank holidays/half term), you will need to create separate discounts to reflect that break in the discount.

It is not currently possible to run a discount reduction for each person within the booking per night.