

Bookings represent a holiday taken by a guest on one or more units from one site. Normally guests will make a booking without your intervention, and you'll simply receive an email when it happens. Sometimes you'll need to add a booking using the Bedful Dashboard.

Adding a Dashboard Booking

To add a booking using the Bedful, navigate to any screen and click the Add Booking button. This applies the same restrictions as customers face, and lets you preview their booking journey as well.

Adding a Custom Booking

You can also add a booking without restrictions and limits normally imposed on your bookings (for example  rates, or minimum night restrictions, min/max people restrictions etc.). To do this navigate to your Availability grid and at the bottom of the page click Add Custom Booking. This will let you add bookings using screens similar to those used for updating bookings later. You can also set a custom price which is not based on your normal pricing structure.

A custom booking does not take into account any site or unit limits, unit capacities, rates, or season restrictions. If you would like your standard restrictions to apply, please instead use the standard booking flow by clicking the 'Add Booking' button above. By creating a Custom Booking below you are accepting full responsibility for pricing, capacity limits and out-of-season bookings.

Group Bookings

You can add a booking which is used by multiple guests to reserve availability and choose their unit. To find out more about this see the Group Bookings Guide.