Agency Dashboard Pro
With the Bedful Agency Dashboard you can get an overview of all your sites at once. This can be useful for partners who run many sites at separate locations and wish to get an overview of all the revenue data in one place. You'll get one login which can view all the stats for your sites, and be able to add multiple manager logins under that which only have access to one site at a time and are limited to one site.
Setting up an Agency
To set up a dashboard for all your sites, please contact us to upgrade to the pro plan and get you set up as an Agency Partner. Your role will change from Partner to Agency Partner, and then you'll have access to multiple sites at once in a global dashboard, which shows you breakdowns of revenue by site or unit as well as global figures for revenue on one easy to use dashboard. This lets you see figures for all of your sites at once, as well as drilling down to individual sites if you prefer.
Agency Searches
You may also be interested in performing availability searches on all your sites at once for guests. You can do this by setting up a channel within bedful and using that channel to perform searches on your booking pages, using If you're interested in this feature, please let us know and we'll get it set up for you. Once you have a channel ID from us, you can add a channel_id=ID param to this URL:
Which will let you point customers to a search which just considers all of your sites and shows them which sites are available for their dates. The url also access adults, children and starts_at and ends_at params via GET requests, so if you wish you can use a form on your site which collects dates and party details and sends the customers straight to a search on this page, or you can just link using the url above and let us collect the information.